تعرف على أفضل الأفكار لدورات الأطفال، والتي من خلالها يستطيع طفلك استغلال وقته لصالحه، حيث يحرص معهد TDI على تقديم دورات صيفية احترافية للأطفال يدرسها متخصصون وخبراء في مجالهم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستتمكن من تسجيل طفلك في الدورة الصيفية للأطفال مقابل مبلغ يتناسب مع دخلك واهتماماتك. – أن لا يضيع وقته فيما لا ينفعه.
Summer vacation has begun, and with it has begun a long vacation for children, which can be used for everything that is useful and enjoyable for them. I advise you to make the best use of this time through summer courses for children.
At TDI Institute, we have provided you with the most prominent courses that will accompany your child throughout his life and even guarantee him a promising professional life from the moment he begins learning these skills, not to mention languages.
Of course, we will all notice what our children’s inclinations are and how we can exploit them in everything that is practical and serves them in the future. Here is this group of courses:
Python software course
Python programs are widely used in web applications, as well as software development and, on the other hand, machine learning and data science, which means that you benefit from 10 hours to develop your child’s mind, develop his intelligence, and acquire broad skills.
Photoshop course
Photoshop and image editing are among the most important skills required in our time, because a large number of people depend on them, whether in terms of interest or interest. It will develop your child's awareness of images, colors and subtle observations around him. Not to mention, through this course, you will ensure your child a great source of income in their future.
Power point course
PowerPoint is one of the most important programs in studying. You can teach your child how to explain what is on his mind using slides, as well as benefit from them in work, especially work that relies on moving images.
Drawing course
There is no doubt that your child will enjoy this course very much. He will be able to release his energy through drawing and will learn how to express himself by drawing what he likes on a piece of paper in front of him. You will also be able to understand your child's personality through drawing and the artwork he presents.
TDI is keen to offer you summer courses for children in Kuwait with 40 educational hours, during which your child will master various courses and learn the basics in an accurate and practical manner.
Register your child, we are waiting for children to join our institute!