The course will provide a comprehensive strategy, covering the entire lifespan of a Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, to maintain its functionality, predict performance, prevent component failures, and achieve optimal permeate productivity while ensuring effective salt rejection. Attendees will gain knowledge and skills to effectively understand and manage RO plants using best practices and cost-effective methods. By implementing these strategies, attendees will be able to maximize the lifespan of membranes and components, reduce operating costs, and maintain high levels of productivity and quality.
Course Objectives:
This is a skill-building course designed to teach participants what is Reverse Osmosis and how does it work, what are the main components of any RO plant, how can you run safely your plant and what are remedy action needs to be taken to restore your plant efficiencies and performance. In addition, the participants shall learn how to operate and maintain their plants in the most cost-effective way.
Who Should Attend?
O & M managers, production managers mechanical & electrical engineers, chemists, RO operators, maintenance engineers, maintenance technicians, QA & QC engineers
Course Outlines:
- Source of feed water.
- Water desalination main processes:-
- Reverse Osmosis.
- Distillation.
- Ion exchange.
- Electro dialysis.
- Filtration process:-
- Micro filtration.
- Ultra filtration.
- Nano filtration.
- Reverse Osmosis.
- Theory of reverse Osmosis.
- Reverse Osmosis terminology.
- Definitions-RO process.
- Factors and parameters related to RO process.
- Membranes:-
- Membranes configurations and types.
- Spiral wound membrane.
- Overview.
- Construction.
- Separation.
- Fluid dynamics.
- Reverse Osmosis plant:- Feed water intake system. Pre-treatment system.
- Desalination system.
- Post treatment system.
- Operating data.
- Operating procedures.
- Troubleshooting Fouling:-
- Types of fouling.
- How to prevent fouling.
- Scaling:-
- Nature of scaling
- Prevention of scale formation
- Chemical cleaning:-
- Timing for cleaning.
- Cleaning system.
- Types of cleaning.
- Cleaning procedure.
- Cleaning chemicals
- Main equipment’s & devices are using in water desalination R.O. Plants:-
- Pumps, high-pressure pump and centrifugal
- Pump Air compressors and pneumatic valves.
- Meters /flow & quantity. PH, cond. & ORP devices.
- Operation & Maintenance
- Introduction to Maintenance Strategy
- Operation procedures
- Daily parameters recording
- Establish KPI’s in your RO plant
- Daily parameters monitoring
- High Pressure pump problems & maintenance
- Energy recovery Device problems & maintenance
- Change cartridge filters procedure
- Change membranes procedure
- Feed Pump maintenance
- Submersible pump maintenance
- Pump Alignment
- How to calculate pump & ERD efficiencies
- RO plant normalization
- How to predict membranes’ fouling
- Brief of RO projection & normalization software
- Administrative “OJT”
- How to maintain a proper & accurate daily log report
- Housekeeping
- Preparation of Material requisitions, work order, etc.
- Plant store inventory record, auditing, receiving, issuing
- Bi-weekly plan preparation
- ISO process