Applying Fluid Inclusion Techniques To Petroleum EandP


5 Days

Start Date


End Date





1475 KD

20% discount for group above 5 attendees


Techniques for fluid inclusion are adaptable instruments that can be used for basic E&P issues. By evaluating the distribution, sources, and properties of petroleum in the past and present, it can assist control E&P risk and improve understanding of the petroleum system. High-grade current and prospective prospects can benefit from fluid inclusion stratigraphy.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn the key technical drivers for applying fluid inclusion techniques – including attributes, advantages, and limitations when used for exploration and development
  • Understand fluid inclusion, petrography, micro thermometry, & chemistry (including API gravity), and its application to basin models, the timing of charge and cementation, and detecting migration and paleo-accumulations
  • Analyze organic and inorganic fluid species within fluid inclusions trapped in cuttings, core or outcrop samples
  • Apply fluid inclusion techniques to analysis of petroleum and diagnostic processes operations from basin to reservoir scale
  • Utilize interpretive principles learned during the course to understand a typical FIS report and its supporting data
  • INTERPRET And ANALYZE fluid inclusion for gases and liquids and for application to regional studies of conventional and unconventional data

Who Should Attend?

The course is designed for:

  • Geoscience professionals who are in need of training in the application of analyzing organic and inorganic fluid species within fluid inclusions trapped in cuttings, core, or outcrop samples in the study of hydrocarbon reservoir rocks.
  • Geochemists / Geologists / Geoscientists
  • Exploration Geologists / Geophysicists/ Geoscientists
  • Development Geologists / Geophysicists/ Geoscientists
  • E&P Managers, Exploration Advisors, Technology Specialists

Course Outlines:

  • Introduction to fluid inclusions
  • Fluid inclusion petrography, micro thermometry and chemistry
  • Fluid inclusion stratigraphy (FIS; AKA FLUID INCLUSION VOLATILE ANALYSIS; FIV)
  • Extraction and analysis of FI gases and liquids via CSIA and GC/GCMS
  • Selected data and interpretations from regional studies
  • Open discussion & closing session