Maximum efficiency, reliability, and longevity of compressors, pumps, and bearings are of great concern to many industries. These objectives can only be achieved by understanding the characteristics, selection criteria, sizing calculations, sealing arrangements, common problems, repair techniques, as well as their preventive and predictive maintenance. This training session is a MUST for those who use this equipment. It covers how compressors and pumps operate and provides the guidelines and rules that must be followed for their successful application. Their basic design, specification and selection criteria, sizing calculations as well as all maintenance issues including vibration analysis, and used oil analysis are discussed in detail.
Course Objectives:
- Size and select out of the various types of dynamic and positive displacement compressors and pumps using the performance characteristics and the selection criteria that you learn in the course
- Carry out diagnostic testing and inspection of critical components with the knowledge of common failure modes of compressors and pumps by applying advanced fault detection techniques
- Select bearings and lubrication, pump and compressor sealing arrangements, meet commissioning requirements, conduct vibration and used oil analyses, troubleshoot, provide predictive and preventive maintenance, enhance reliability, and reduce cost
- Determine the maintenance required to minimize compressor and downtime, pump operating cost and maximize their efficiency, reliability, and useful life
- Gain a thorough understanding of compressor surge and surge prevention systems
- Understand all the causes of failures in compressors and pumps
- Determine all the design features that improve the efficiency and reliability of all compressors and pumps
- Design different types of compressor and pumping systems
- Gain a thorough understanding of the various types of sealing arrangements used in compressors and pumps
Who Should Attend?
Process engineers, design engineers, consulting engineers, plant engineers, project managers, piping engineers, maintenance managers, water treatment plant managers, facility managers and technicians and technologists
It will be of great interest to chemical process industries, oil and gas industries, manufacturing plants, power generation plants, defense establishment, and other industries and organizations that must use compressors and pumps
Course Outlines:
Gas Laws and Compression Principles
- Introduction, symbols, compressor operation, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics
- Ideal or perfect gas laws, Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Amonton’s law, Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law, Avogrado’s law
- Heat and work, property relationships, perfect gases, imperfect gases
- Vapor pressure, partial pressures, critical conditions, gas mixtures, the mole
- The volume percent of constituents, the molecular weight of a mixture, specific gravity and partial pressure, specific heats
- Pseudo-critical conditions and compressibility, weight-basis items, compression cycles, compressor polytropic efficiency.
- Compressor power requirement, compressibility correction, multiple staging
- Compressor volumetric flow rate, cylinder clearance and volumetric efficiency, cylinder clearance and compression efficiency,
Compressor Types and Applications
- Introduction, positive displacement compressors
- Rotary compressors, rotary lobe compressors, rotary vane compressors, rotary screw compressors, rotary liquid ring compressors
- Reciprocating compressors
- Dynamic compressors, centrifugal compressors, the principle of operation of centrifugal compressors, centrifugal single-stage (low ratio) compressors, centrifugal single stage integral gear compressors, centrifugal multi-stage horizontally split compressors, centrifugal multi-stage with side loads compressors, centrifugal multi-stage (barrel) compressors, centrifugal multi-stage integral gear compressors
- Axial flow compressors, axial horizontally-split compressors
- Compressor types: positive displacement (reciprocating and rotary), and dynamic (centrifugal and rotary), compressor operation, gas laws
- Compressor performance measurement, inlet conditions, compressor performance, the energy available for recovery.
- Positive displacement compressors, reciprocating compressors, trunk piston compressors, sliding crosshead piston compressors, diaphragm compressors, bellows compressors
- Rotary compressors, rotary screw compressor, lobe type air compressor, sliding vane compressors, liquid ring compressors
- Dynamic compressors, centrifugal compressors, axial compressors
- Air receivers, compressor control, compressor unloading system
- Intercoolers and aftercoolers, filters and air intake screens
- Preventive maintenance and housekeeping
Performance of Positive Displacement Compressors
- Compressor performance, positive displacement compressors
- Reciprocating compressor rating, reciprocating compressor sizing
- Capacity control, clearance pockets, compressor performance
- Reciprocating compressors, compressor valve.
- Reciprocating compressor leakage, screw compressor leakage
Reciprocating Compressors
- Introduction, crankshaft design, bearings and lubrication systems
- Connecting rods, crossheads, frames and cylinders, compressor cooling
- Pistons, piston and rider rings, valves, piston rods, packings
- Cylinder lubrication, distance pieces
Reciprocating Air Compressors Troubleshooting and Maintenance
- Introduction, location, foundation, air filters and suction lines
- Air-receiver location and capacity, starting a new compressor
- Lubrication, non-lubricated cylinders, valves, piston rings
- Intercoolers and aftercoolers, cleaning, packing
Diaphragm Compressors
- Introduction, the theory of operation, compressor design
- Materials of construction, accessories, cleaning and testing
- Applications, automotive airbag filling, petrochemical industries
- Limitations, installation and maintenance
- Diaphragm compressor specification
Rotary Screw Compressors and Filter Separators
- Twin-screw machines, compressor operation, applications of rotary screw compressors
- Dry and liquid injected compressors, operating principles, flow calculation
- Power calculation, temperature rise, capacity control, mechanical construction
- Industry experience, maintenance history, performance summary
- Oil-flooded single-screw compressors
- Selection of modern reverse-flow filter separators, conventional filter-separators, and self-cleaning coalescers, removal efficiencies, filter quality.
- Selection of the most suitable gas filtration equipment, evaluation of the proposed filtration configuration, life-cycle-cost calculations, conclusions.
- Coke fuel, Introduction, Properties and Usage, Other coking processes
Straight Lobe Compressors
- Applications, operating characteristics, operating principle
- Pulsating characteristics, noise characteristics, torque characteristics
- Construction, rotors, casing, timing gears, bearings
- Staging, higher compression ratios, power reduction, installation
Recent Developments in Liquid/Gas Separation Technology
- Introduction
- Removal mechanisms
- Liquid/gas separation technologies
- Gravity separators
- Centrifugal separators
- Mist eliminators
- Filter vane separators
- Liquid/gas coalescers
- Selection of liquid/gas separation equipment
- Formation of fine aerosols
- Ratings and sizing of separation equipment
Dynamic Compressors Technology
- Introduction
- Centrifugal compressors technology
- Axial compressors overview
Centrifugal and Axial Compressors
- Principle of operation of centrifugal and axial flow compressors, characteristics of centrifugal and axial flow compressor
- Surging, choking, bleed valves, variable stator vanes, inlet guide vanes
Centrifugal Compressors – Components, Performance Characteristics, Balancing, Surge Prevention Systems and Testing
- Introduction
- Casing Configuration
- Construction features
- Diaphragms
- Interstage seals
- Balance piston seals
- Impeller Thrust
- Performance Characteristics
- Slope of the centrifugal compressor head curve
- Stonewall
- Surge
- Off-design Operation
- Rotor Dynamics
- Rotor Balancing
- Surge Prevention Systems
- Surge Identification
- Liquid Entrainment
- Instrumentation
- Cleaning Centrifugal Compressors
- Appendix A (Boundary Layer)
- Definition
- Description of the Boundary Layer
- Separation; Wake
Compressor Auxiliaries, Off-Design Performance, Stall, and Surge
- Introduction
- Compressor auxiliaries
- Compressor off-design performance, low rotational speeds, high rotational speeds
- Performance degradation
Dynamic Compressors Performance
- Description of a centrifugal compressor, centrifugal compressor types
- Compressors with horizontally-split casings, centrifugal compressors with vertically-split casings, compressors with bell casings, pipeline compressors
- Performance limitations, surge limit, stonewall, prevention of surge
- Anti-surge control systems
Compressor Seal Systems
- Introduction, the supply systems, the seal housing system, the atmospheric draining system, the seal leakage system, the drainer, the vent system, the degassing tank, the supply system, the seal housing system
- Gas seals, liquid seals, liquid bushing seals, contacts seals, restricted bushing seals, seal supply systems, flow through the gas side contact seal, flow through the atmospheric side bushing seal, flow through the seal chamber, seal liquid leakage system
Dry Seals, Advanced Sealing Mechanisms and Magnetic Bearings
- Introduction, background, dry seals, operating principles, operating experience, problems and solutions, upgrade developments of dry seals, prevention of dry gas seal failures by gas conditioning, need for training, minimizing the risk of sealing problems
- Magnetic bearings, operating principles, operating experience and benefits, problems and solutions, development efforts, thrust-reducing seals, integrated designs
Compressor System Calculations
- Calculations of air leaks from compressed-air systems, the annual cost of air leakage
- Centrifugal compressor power requirement
- Compressor selection, calculations of air system requirements
- Characteristics of reciprocating compressors, blowers
- Selection of compressor drive
- Selection of air distribution system, water cooling requirements for compressors
- Sizing of compressor system components, sizing of air receiver
- Calculations of receiver pump-up time
Workshop – Case Studies
- With the guidance of the instructor, perform the following activities:
- Design and select different compressor systems for the Oil and Gas industry.
- Design and select different compressor systems for the Power Generation industry
- Pump definition, pump categories: dynamic and displacement (reciprocating and rotary)
Centrifugal Pumps
- Centrifugal pumps: theory of operation of a centrifugal pump, casings and diffusers, radial thrust, hydrostatic pressure tests
- Impeller, axial thrust, axial thrust in multistage pumps, hydraulic balancing devices, balancing drums, balancing disks