This course is designed to give participants an understanding of the steam turbines and how they work.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Describe the Function of the Steam Turbine and its Ancillary Plant.
- Identify major components and their function.
- Understand and be able to make decisions relating to the operation and maintenance of the Steam Turbine and its support systems
Who Should Attend?
All engineers related directly or indirectly with Steam Turbines
Course Outlines:
Types of Steam Turbines:
- Condensing
- Non Condensing
- Single flow
- Double flow
Turbine Components (General Description):
- High Pressure end/Steam Chest
- Exhaust
- Solid Rotor (Shaft & disks in one piece).
- Built up rotor (disks shrunk and keyed on the shaft).
- First stage blade type.
- Last stage blade type.
Nozzle Rings
- First Stage nozzle ring type.
- Intermediate pressure type.
- Low pressure diaphragm type.
- Journal Bearings (tilting pad type)
- Thrust Bearings (Double active tilting pad type)
- Labyrinth Seals.
Operating Procedures:
Start up and Shutdown Procedures
- Lube Oil Reservoir
- Auxiliary and Emergency
- Lube Oil Pumps
- Cooling Water
- Oil Filter
- Vapor Extractor
- Casing Drains and Vents
- Main Step Valve
- Alarms, Annunciation
- HP & LP Steam Valves
- Condenser Controls.
Turbine Controls:
- Woodward Governor Role
- Description of a mechanical speed control for steam turbine.
- Electronic control (speed, speed and pressure, speed and flow, generator load controls).
- Role of Trip and Throttle Valve.
- Overspeed Trip Control System.
Complete overhaul steam turbine
- Preparation and rigging of steam turbine
- Disassembling in logic sequence
Method of inspection & Checking
- Inspect / check / measure / record the following:
- Axial float / Thrust / Radial bearing / Nozzles / Blades /Shaft run out / Glands seal H.P. & L.P. / D.N.T. checks / Diaphragm /thrust collar.
Service the Following
- Overhaul speed trip
- Governor and linkage (Woodward)
- Coupling
- Main governor valve
- Servo motor
- Control devices
- Rotor tuning device