Advance Power Study, Protection and Coordination 5 Days 6-Jan-25 10-Jan-25 PARIS – FRANCE 1690 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Advance Power Study, Protection and Coordination 1690 KD 5 Days 6-Jan-25 10-Jan-25 PARIS – FRANCE 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Advance Protection in Power System 5 Days 20-Jan-25 24-Jan-25 LONDON – UK 1690 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Advance Protection in Power System 1690 KD 5 Days 20-Jan-25 24-Jan-25 LONDON – UK 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Advanced Power Transmission Technologies 5 Days 10-Feb-25 14-Feb-25 ISTANBUL – TURKEY 1590 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Advanced Power Transmission Technologies 1590 KD 5 Days 10-Feb-25 14-Feb-25 ISTANBUL – TURKEY 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Boiler Control and Instrumentation 5 Days 14-Apr-2025 18-Apr-2025 DUBAI – UAE 1475 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Boiler Control and Instrumentation 1475 KD 5 Days 14-Apr-2025 18-Apr-2025 DUBAI – UAE 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Combustion Control System 5 Days 28-Apr-2025 2-May-2025 LONDON – UK 1690 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Combustion Control System 1690 KD 5 Days 28-Apr-2025 2-May-2025 LONDON – UK 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Configuring and Testing Smart Field Devices 5 Days 16-Jun-2025 20-Jun-2025 ISTANBUL – TURKEY 1590 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Configuring and Testing Smart Field Devices 1590 KD 5 Days 16-Jun-2025 20-Jun-2025 ISTANBUL – TURKEY 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
DCS Applications, Selection and Troubleshooting 5 Days 30-Jun-2025 4-Jul-2025 DUBAI – UAE 1475 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees DCS Applications, Selection and Troubleshooting 1475 KD 5 Days 30-Jun-2025 4-Jul-2025 DUBAI – UAE 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Design of Electric Switchboards (LV and MV) Only of Design and Engineering Engineers 5 Days 2-Jun-2025 6-Jun-2025 DUBAI – UAE 1475 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Design of Electric Switchboards (LV and MV) Only of Design and Engineering Engineers 1475 KD 5 Days 2-Jun-2025 6-Jun-2025 DUBAI – UAE 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Electric Generators: Operation, Performance Analysis, and Testing 5 Days 20-Jan-25 24-Jan-25 ISTANBUL – TURKEY 1590 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Electric Generators: Operation, Performance Analysis, and Testing 1590 KD 5 Days 20-Jan-25 24-Jan-25 ISTANBUL – TURKEY 20% discount for group above 5 attendees
Fault Finding Techniques On An Electrical Power System 5 Days 10-Feb-25 14-Feb-25 LONDON – UK 1690 KD 20% discount for group above 5 attendees Fault Finding Techniques On An Electrical Power System 1690 KD 5 Days 10-Feb-25 14-Feb-25 LONDON – UK 20% discount for group above 5 attendees