Course Outlines:
- Overview of codes of construction
- Materials of construction
- Safety precautions in welding
- Overview of fusion welding
- Basic welding Metallurgy.
- Welding of plain caution steels
- Welding of low alloy steels
- Welding of Stainless steels
- Welding of dissimilar materials
- Destructive and Nondestructive testing
- Welding qualification WPS, PQR, WPQ according to ASME, AWS, API Codes.
- Welding of Procedure Qualifications
- Welding of Performance Qualifications
- Welding processes
- Concepts of SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, SAW, RSW etc.,
- Welding defects, causes and remedies
- Visual and NDT methods
- Weld joint design and welding symbols
- Welding and inspection using submerged arc (SAW)
- Consumables of SAW BS EN ISO 14171 and ISO 14174 and ANSI/AWS A5.17