Course Overview:
The course explains corrosion in great detail including dry corrosion, aqueous corrosion, ideal material selection, and techniques for corrosion prevention.
It also describes material deterioration such as erosion, atmospheric corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking as well as include some articles on failures of pipelines, tanks, pressure vessels and heat exchangers.
Such participants will learn modern techniques and means of corrosion monitoring such as coupon testing for corrosion and ultrasonic thickness measurement.
The course is beneficial to people like engineers and those who select materials and maintenance personnel and gives them crucial understanding needed for corrosion prevention and mitigation in industrial machinery. The course ends by a final quiz and feedbacks session.
Course Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this course the participants will:
- Determine if internal corrosion exists by evaluating a set of criteria to identify and apply monitoring techniques such as:
- Understand the fundamental theories of aqueous corrosion and dry corrosion
- To understand basic metallurgy and choice of material selection suitable for the specific application
- To enable the attendees to grasp the advanced information in preventive as well as predictive maintenance of equipment
- To present different forms of corrosion from various mechanisms and related environmental factors
- Corrosion control techniques
- To illustrate study cases pertaining to corrosion failures, mainly pipelines, storage tanks, pressure vessels, boilers, and heat exchangers
- To present the advanced corrosion monitoring technologies
- To present typical corrosion failures and to illustrate the inter-relationship between fabrication techniques, service conditions and their effect on the corrosion resistance of engineering metals and alloys
Determine when mitigation is required and the appropriate mitigation methods to utilize including maintenance pigging, physical design changes, and operational modifications
Who Should Attend?
The course is designed essentially for professionals such as process engineers, inspection personnel, mechanical engineers, material selection personnel, R&D persons, corrosion engineers, plant contractors, etc. The course is also useful for plant engineers as well as for operating/maintenance staff related to pipelines, tanks, pressure vessels, etc. Anyone who needs to understand corrosion and other failures and how to carry out failure protection will find the course immensely beneficial.
Course Outlines:
- Review of basic metallurgy
- Review of iron-carbon equilibrium diagram
- Effects of alloying elements, Alloy steel and stainless steels, ASTM specifications for carbon steels, alloy steels and stainless steels, Mechanical properties of metals, Materials for high-temperature service
- Materials for low-temperature service
- Materials of sour service (NACE standard)
- Selection of material of construction
- Selection of substitute materials
- Forms of corrosion and prevention of failure in oil and gas industries
- Common corrosion phenomenon
- Erosion/ corrosion, atmospheric corrosion, corrosion under insulation (CUI)
- Cooling water corrosion, boiler water condensate corrosion, Sulfidation, chloride stress corrosion cracking (ClSCC), Caustic stress corrosion cracking (caustic embrittlement), Wet H2S damage (Blistering/HIC/SOHIC/SCC), Case studies pertaining to the corrosion failures
- Prevention of equipment failure by choosing correct materials, Prevention of equipment failure by choosing correct operating conditions
- Corrosion monitoring techniques :
- Corrosion coupon testing, Electrochemical resistance probe, Ultrasonic thickness measurements, Measurements of corrosion potential, Alternating current impedance measurements, Hydrogen probes, corrosometer probes, Practical application of the corrosion monitoring methods
- Final quiz & Feedback and concluding Session