Course Overview:
This training course is about the basic concepts and methods of fighting corrosion, particularly regarding the use of cathodic protection systems. Among other phenomena of the cathodic protection offshore design, participants will be taught about the nature of corrosion, effects of regional soil conditions, and system protection.
The course involves the design, installation, testing and repairs of cathodic protection systems, particularly sacrificial anode systems, impressed current systems and corrosion monitoring methods.
It also includes specification of materials, coatings, and specialized survey methods in order to significantly assess system performance.
The program is applicable to engineers, technicians and maintenance personnel engaged in cathodic protection in various areas including pipeline design, marine structures, and offshore activities.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the nature of corrosion and the various effects of soil condition and system protection
- Apply systematic techniques on the design, fabrication, installation, testing, and repair of modern cathodic protection systems
- Carryout cathodic protection and measurement and recognize their importance in the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system
- Discuss offshore cathodic protection design, operational integrity impact in offshore structures, CP anodes retrofitting forecast and replacement programs
- Identify the associated aspects of corrosion control such as the materials selection, coatings and sacrificial cathodic protection including its design, types, selection, and fabrication
- Discuss impressed current cathodic protection including their design, use, and application
- Illustrate cathodic protection system design for tanks and explain the secondary containment, double bottom tanks, and its monitoring issues
- Apply the impressed current cathodic protection design in plants and explain stray current interaction with other structures
- Identify the corrosion and corrosion control present in reinforces concrete and employ the proper monitoring procedures of cathodic protection systems
- Employ the specialized survey techniques used in the evaluation of data for cathodic protection and demonstrate cathodic programs
- Illustrate the technique of in-line cathodic protection current measurement (CPCM) to evaluate CP efficiency and possible interference currents as well as cathodic protection rectifiers
Who Should Attend?
This program will benefit anyone who is responsible for Cathodic Protection systems, measuring the effectiveness of Cathodic Protection systems and/or recording this data, including Pipeline design engineers, Pipeline Operations engineers, Corrosion Engineers, Materials Engineers, Design Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Inspection Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Marine Maintenance people, Offshore Structure design and Operation people, CP field personnel, technicians, and supervisors.
Course Outlines:
Introduction and overview of corrosion technology
- Corrosion Theory
- Corrosion Identification & methods of control
- Material selection and design
- Protective coatings, paint, metallic
- Tapes and cementitious
- Cathodic protection, theory and practice
Corrosion – Theory, Identification & Methods of Control
- What is corrosion?
- What is the cost to industry?
- How does it take place?
- What drives the corrosion process?
- What are the distinct types of corrosion?
- What methods can we use to control it?
- The session includes a number of practical demonstration of the Corrosion process and some actual case studies
Essential Electrical theory
- A review of electrical theory as applicable to Cathodic Protection
- Ohms and Kirchoff’s and other relevant laws
Cathodic Protection
- Theoretical basis
- Cathodic Protection criteria
- Measuring potentials for protection criteria.
Sacrificial Anode CP Systems
Anode requirements
- Anode materials and performance characteristics
- System design and installation
- System maintenance
Impressed Current systems
- Impressed current anodes
- Impressed current anodes for buried applications.
- Ground beds for buried structures
- System design and installation
- System maintenance
Current distribution and interference issues
- Corrosion damage under disbanded coatings
- General current distribution and attenuation
- Stray currents
Monitoring the performance of CP systems
- CP system hardware performance monitoring
- Structure condition monitoring
- Identify the types of corrosion and their cause(s)
- Determine the most practical method of mitigating the corrosion