Advanced Recruitment Interviewing & Selection Skills


5 Days

Start Date


End Date



Switzerland – Geneva


1850 KD

20% discount for group above 5 attendees


Recruiting the right people is essential to the successful development of teams and the organization. However, the process is costly both in terms of time and

resources and it is therefore critical that the right candidate is appointed first time.

This practical Recruitment and Selection Skills course provides participants with the skills, guidance, knowledge and confidence to recruit and select the right team member for the job. For the interview skills practice sessions, our experience shows participants acquire a deeper level of learning when practicing their interviewing skills with either internal candidates not attending the programmed and unfamiliar to the participants e.g. casual staff or external candidates to the organization. It provides them with more of a ‘real life’ experience.

Course Objectives: 

By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Plan and execute a professional recruitment campaign by using job profiles to attract the right quantity and quality of job candidates
  • Use the right measures and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment efforts
  • Explain the various methods for assessing candidates and validity and reliability of each
  • Improve fairness of objectivity by utilizing standards and best practices throughout the various recruitment, interviewing and selection stages
  • Use the data collected from recruitment and assessment stages to produce meaningful review reports

Who Should Attend?

Experienced and/or senior professionals in the recruitment and selection function as well as senior employees in Human Resources. The course is also very useful for those working in workforce planning.

Course Outlines:

Recruitment Plans

  • Defining needs
  • Planning the various stages Roles of line managers and recruitment personnel
  • Capturing & tabulating information
  • Producing recruitment reports

Measuring Recruitment Efforts

  • The main KPIs for measuring the recruitment function

Candidate Assessment

  • Validity and reliability of assessment methods
  • Reasons why interviews are not enough
  • Improving the reliability of interviews

Fairness and Objectivity Issues

  • Why CVs and resumes are unfair
  • Fair interview formats and structures
  • Timings and venues

Advanced Interviewing Techniques

  • Importance of information and data capture
  • Separating fact from fiction
  • Avoiding ‘diplomatic’ or ‘politically correct’ answers
  • Probing and funneling

Producing Interview Reports

  • Objective VS Subjective reports
  • Translating reports to numbers
  • The use of competency levels in interview reports

Post Interview Steps

  • Employment offers: Dos and DON’Ts
  • Regret letters

Exit Interview

  • When, how and by whom
  • Format and content
  • Analysis and findings
  • Reporting findings & exit interview sample

Belbin Test

Belbin test identifies people’s behavioral strengths and weaknesses in workplace and helps:

  • Individuals establish productive working relationships
  • Select and develop high-performing teams from leadership point of view
  • Raise self-awareness and increase personal effectiveness
  • Identify talent in the workplace and share problem solving works
  • understand different role personality types play in how a team functions
  • Increase proper communication to enhance teamwork

Case Study

Will be highly customized to meet the needs for achieving participants` organizational goals

Key Features include:

  • Pre-course questionnaires to establish your individual and business concerns
  • Practical exercises and discussion sessions
  • Take-away comprehensive course documentation

A prize will be awarded to the best participant at the end of course