Understanding the design, operation & characteristics of High Pressure Pumps will have an important reflection on the process quality, equipment, plant reliability and the economics of the whole activity. Identifying the problems associated with these pumps is essential for diagnosis, troubleshooting and plan required maintenance.
This training course on High Pressure Pump Operation, Maintenance, Overhauling & Troubleshooting is designed to provide an in-depth perspective of High Pressure pump technology in terms of selection, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. This training course will also cover single stage and multi stages centrifugal pumps and positive-displacement pumps. Packing, mechanical seals, sealing systems, wear rings, coupling and alignment and other vital components will be explained in detail.
This training course will advance the staff competencies as follows:
- Knowledge of High Pressure pump operation, troubleshooting and maintenance in depth
- Experience a unique blend of practical application and basic analysis methods
- Understanding of pump safe operating principles and operating systems
- Know the advantages and disadvantages of various pump types
- Understanding of technical principles of fluid flow in pumping systems as a prerequisite for successful pump installation and operation
Course Objectives:
- Know the basics principal of High Pressure pump operations
- Learn the different types of pumps
- Understand the pump construction
- Learn how the performance curve of pump is measured
- Use the similarity laws to calculate the pump
- Performance at different speed and rotor size
- Highlight the importance of the related international standards of pumps
- Familiarize with different auxiliary systems for pumps (oil system and protection system)
- Understand the basics of sealing systems
- Learn the maintenance procedure of pumps
- Learn the common causes of pump failures (e.g. cavitation and vibrations)
- Understand the mechanical design of the mechanical seal
- Highlight the importance of seals on the rotating machines availability
- Learn the Up-to date maintenance of the mechanical seal
- Learn the failure analysis and troubleshooting the mechanical seal
- Learn about different types of alignments
- Learn about Casing, wear rings and impeller types and their usage
Who Should Attend?
This training course is targeted to a wide range of professionals working in pump operation, maintenance selection, testing and commissioning and will greatly benefit:
- Professionals involved in designing, selecting, sizing, specifying, installing, testing, operating and maintaining systems.
- Professionals, Technologists, Supervisory personnel, Senior Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers engaged in the refinery operation and oil production/exploration activities, who have a considerable experience and who are required to understand and discuss issues related to their processes.
- Process Engineering, Technologists, Supervisory personnel, Senior Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Operational Planning, Refinery Scheduling Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Corrosion and Inspection Engineering: Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Oil and Gas Operation (Upstream/Downstream): Filed/Control Room Operators, Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Mechanical, Rotating and Maintenance Planning: Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Health, Safety and Environment (HSE): Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Instrument Maintenance: Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Project Management: Supervisors, Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers.
- Commercial, Financial and Insurance Management: Controllers, Senior Engineers, Team Leaders and Managers engaged in the refinery operation and oil production/exploration activities.
- Business, sales, technical, and scientific personnel with limited or no broad refinery operating and oil production/exploration experience, along with technical sales personnel.
- Those involved in selling equipment or supplies to the refinery operations and oil production/ exploration industry.
- Those involved with economic evaluations of refinery operations and oil production/ exploration will benefit from this training course.
Course Outline
Introduction and Pumping Fundamentals
- Hydraulics – A Few Basics
- Vapor Pressure
- Operating Parameters
- Pump Types and Pump Classification
- Centrifugal via Displacement Action
- Rotary Displacement Pumps
- Centrifugal Pump Basics
- Principle of Operation
- Pumping Vertically & Pumping Horizontally
- Single-stage, Double-stage and Multi-stage Pumps
- Volute & Diffuser Pumps
- Closed Impeller, Open, Impeller or Semi-open Impeller
- Casing Construction (Radially Split, Axially Split, Double Casing)
- Impeller Shrouds (Open, Partially Open, Closed)
- Shaft Position (Horizontal, Vertical)
- Wear Ring Running Clearances
Pumps Performance and Operation
- Pump Performance Curves
- Limits of Operation
- The Significant of the Specific Speed and the Specific Diameter
- How to Use Specific Speed Number in Pumps Selection Process
- Operating Procedures and Conditions
- Pump Curve Against Piping System Curve
- NPSH Available, Required and Measurement
- Best Operating Condition
High Pressure Pump Selection and Materials
- Material Selection
- Corrosion and Erosion
- Abrasion Resistant Materials
- Materials Resistant to Cavitation Damage
- Overall Procedure in Selecting a Pump
- Parameters Affecting the Pump Selections
- Properties of Liquids being Pumped
- Economic Consideration
- Pumps Application
Pump Auxiliary System
- Sealing Methods
- Difference between Packing and Mechanical Seal
- Characteristics and Types of Mechanical Seals
- Sealing and Flushing Fluids
- Pump Bearings
- Lubrication of Bearing
- Bearings – failure modes and how to extend life
- Alignment and Couplings
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Pump Maintenance
- Maintenance Inspections
- Bearing Maintenance
- Shaft Seal Maintenance
- Pump Overhauling
- Disassembly / Dismantling Procedure
- Pump Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis
- Shaft Deflection
- Cavitation in Pumps
- Pump Vibration
- Operation and Maintenance Troubleshooting