Pressure vessels, storage tanks, and piping systems together with rotating machinery for fluid transport represent major capital investment in any Oil / Gas Production operation. Good fabrication of these components, based on rigorous material selection is likely to provide long service life of equipment. Material degradation and aging requires application of adequate diagnostic techniques and continuous monitoring. Regular monitoring and inspection techniques can help in providing basis for estimating the health of the existing components of the equipment as well as the overall risk assessment.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:
- Follow the requirements of industry inspection standards and practices
- Identify elements of the safety of pressure vessels, storage tanks and pipelines
- Apply diagnostics and inspection procedures to pressure equipment
- Analyze the results of condition monitoring and vibration control of rotating equipment
- Plan and manage activities related to maintenance and repair
Who Should Attend?
This training course is suitable for a whole range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- The operation, technical service and maintenance professionals
- Technical professionals responsible for the maintenance and repair of equipment
- Professionals involved in inspection and maintenance and repair
- Technical professionals dealing with risk assessment and integrity analysis
- Technicians dealing with regulating and metering and other measurements
Course Outlines:
Stationary Equipment – Technical Characteristics & Operational Safety
- Above Ground Storage Tanks: Operation & Safety
- Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers and Steam Boilers
- Pipelines & Piping Systems: Operation & Safety
- Pressure Relief Valves: Selection & Sizing
- ASME BPV VIII & ASME B31.3 Standards and API Inspection Codes
Rotating Equipment – Operation, Efficiency & Safety
- Centrifugal Pumps: Maintaining NPSH and Prevention of Cavitation
- Reciprocating & Rotary Pumps
- Centrifugal Compressors: Anti-surge Control and Choke Conditions
- Reciprocating & Rotary Compressors
- Safety Issues, Troubleshooting and Problem Solving of Rotating Equipment
Diagnostics of Equipment Failure & Root Cause Analysis
- Material Degradation & Failures of Stationary & Rotating Equipment
- Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostics Analysis (FMEDA)
- Diagnostics of Fatigue, Cracks, & Ruptures: Fitness For Service (FFS) Analysis
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Failures
- Risk Management & Mitigation Technologies: ALARP Criteria
Inspection, Monitoring & Mechanical Integrity Evaluation
- Risk-Based Inspection (RBI API 580) For Stationary Pressure Equipment (NDT)
- Pipeline Internal and External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA & ECFA) Methods
- Pigging of Complex Onshore and Offshore Pipelines
- Rotating Machinery Condition Monitoring
- Vibration Analysis Including Rotor Balancing, Shaft Alignment Techniques
Maintenance & Repairs Organization & Management
- Storage Tanks: External & Internal Maintenance Techniques
- Cathodic Protection of Pipelines and Storage Tanks
- Coating & Thermal Protection
- Repair Technologies