Defensive driving is essential to all organizations in order to maintain maximum safety for its employees and protect company fleet. Total loss or even less severe accidents cost a lot in terms of lives and money in addition to increasing the insurance premium. In today’s competitive markets the “zero accidents” reputation means a lot. Companies that are certified or aim to be certified for the OHSAS 18001 put defensive driving training as one of their first priorities.
Course Objectives:
Give the participants the basics of defensive driving and will help in reducing the number of accidents.
Who Should Attend?
- Drivers
- Supervisors
- Fleet manager
- Vehicle maintenance engineers / supervisors
Course Outlines:
- Introduction
- Defensive Driving Definition
- Driver Attitude
- Drivers classification
- Professional / Aimer
- Defensive / Offensive
- Driving standards
- Accidents (real case studies):
All accidents are demonstrated by drawing and videos
- Road accident statistics in Egypt
- Description & cause of accidents
- Preventable accidents
- Common driving errors
- Excuses we give for accidents
- Accident – following too closely (real case study)
- Following distance rule
- Reasons for junction collisions
- Accident – drowsiness due to medication (real case study)
- Drivers fatigue
- Sleeping process
- Avoiding HEAD ON collisions
- Collision prevention formula
General causes of accidents
- Driver qualifications
- Driving tasks
- Passenger and vehicle load
- Pre-trip inspection
- Braking systems
- Vehicle maintenance
- Wheels & Tires
Accident Prevention & Driving Behaviors:
- Using and changing lanes
- Passing
- Negotiation curves
- Negotiation downgrades
- Parking
- Pedestrian interaction
- Emergency equipment
Defensive Driving skills
- Good driving skills
- Safety devices fitted to your vehicle
- Being prepared for road hazards
- Scanning
- Blind spots
- Communicating
- Distractions
- Cell phones
- Road rage prevention
- Drinking & Driving
- Driving at night Tips
- Driver obligation list
First Aid And CPR
- Define first aid
- Steps followed to conduct first aid
- Rights and duties when conducting first aid
- Physiology and anatomy of different biological systems, and the vital signs (pulse, respiration, temperature, blood pressure)\
Basic Life supports
- The ABC steps
- Air way obstruction handling
- Hemorrhage
- External hemorrhage, and internal hemorrhage
Ophthalmic (eye) injuries
- Differentiate between different injuries, first aid, and prevention
Simple wounds and injuries
- Dealing with simple wounds
- cleaning and dressing
Practical training of the day
- General examination
- Vital signs
- Blood pressure measurement
- Intramuscular injection
- eye bandages
- Performing CPR
Orthopedic injuries
- Definition, types, diagnosis, first aid procedures, transporting, and ways of prevention Fits
- Definition, causes, first aid, and prevention of reoccurrence
- Definition, causes, diagnosis, first aid, danger signs, and ways of prevention
- Definition, causes, first aid, and prevention
- Definition, causes, classification, danger signs, first aid, and prevention
- Definition, causes and types, first aid, danger signs, and prevention
- Definitions, causes, first aid, and prevention
Animal bites
- Causes, first aid, danger signs, first aid, and prevention
Environmental emergencies
- Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and exposure to cold
- Types(Diabetic and others), management
Practical applications
- Handling fractured personnel
- Splints
- Bandages
- Heimlich
- Maneuver
- Revision for CPR