This course is designed to provide delegates with an understanding of the hazardous wastes handling and storing in detail with reference to the standards and the application of ‘best practice. Improper storage of hazardous chemicals- both products and wastes-incompatible inspection of containment materials, using hazardous products when non-hazardous products are available and inadequate training of staff are some of the leading causes of environmental contamination. Contamination can come in many forms- Some examples of contamination are ground and surface water, land, air, radioactive, food, noise, molds, odor, construction, vibration, etc. and invariably, if these contaminants are not properly dealt with, will result in pollution and in certain situations serious health problems.
Course Objectives:
- Learn about the various types of contamination and which ones are more applicable to your company
- Encourage and facilitate dialogue with like-minded individuals on specific contamination issues of concern in their organizations and the opportunity to develop regional networks within the GCC area to address common concerns
- Learn about the relevant environmental treaties dealing with contamination and pollution
- Learn how to prioritize contamination problems in dealing with contamination and waste management issues in a logical sequence
- Show and emphasize the close relationship between human health and the environment that’s been directly affected by contamination
- Discussion of the current methodologies for the cleanup of contaminated soil, ground and surface water, air pollution, construction materials, and radioactive materials
Who Should Attend?
- Health & Safety and Environmental Professionals
- Staff responsible for managing Hazardous Wastes
- Staff responsible for Contamination Issues
- Laboratory Technicians
- Staff wishing to reduce risk and liability arising from polluting events
- Technical Assistants and anyone who has a role to play in environmental matters of the Organization
- Emergency Personnel
Course Outlines:
Introduction to Hazardous Materials & Wastes
- Definitions
- Hazardous Characteristics:
- Flammability
- Reactivity
- Health hazards
- Other physical and chemical hazards
- Hazardous Materials & Wastes International Legislations
Hazardous Materials & Wastes Classification
- EPA, Basel & EWC basis of classification
- Hazardous Materials & Wastes listing and the criteria of the listing
- Tests & experiments to determine the hazardous characteristics
- Guidelines for Hazardous Materials & Wastes Identification & classifications (using flowcharts)
Storing Hazardous Materials & Wastes and Management
- Types of Storage facilities
- Storage facilities requirements for the location, capacity, accessibilities, containers design, and security
- Proper storage of Hazardous Materials & Wastes
- Management organization, roles & responsibilities
- Hazardous Materials & Wastes handling & storage risk assessment
Hazardous Materials & Wastes Transportation and Labeling System
- Land transportation, vehicles, and containers specifications
- Marine transportation, shipment specifications
- Transportation management procedure, roles & responsibilities, and “Duty Of Care”
- Warning labeling system
Continuation of Contamination and Pollution Prevention Planning and Contingency Planning for Major Incidents
- Life Cycle Management of All Materials being Used in a Company
- The 5R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Rethink
- Detailed Requirements for Proper Storage of Hazardous Materials
- The Importance of On-going Training
- The Importance of Regular Reviews of Emergency Plans
- Updated Information on ISO 14001, 18001 and 9001
- Types of Environmental Audits
- Discussion of Some Major Preventable Accidents
Waste Disposal and Emergency Preparedness
- Hierarchy of waste disposal
- Waste treatment techniques
- Chemical
- Physical
- Thermal
- Biological
- Landfill characteristics
- Emergency preparedness procedure
- Personal protective equipment
Big Picture Review of the Management and Prevention of Contamination and Hazardous Wastes
- HAZID (HAZard IDentification)
- HAZOP (Hazard & OPerability)
- Environmental Ethics
- Examples of Environmental Ethics from the Instructor’s Personal Experiences
- Climate Change Update and its Significance for the Gulf Coast Countries