The world’s electric power supply systems are interconnected in one way or another and in various regional and in many cases inter-regional and international connections. The reason behind such a complex operation of the power network is to reduce costs of operation and increase the reliability and security of the power supply.
Course Objectives:
- To present fundamental concepts of compensation of transmission networks.
- To discuss the state-of-the-art power electronics equipment available to transmission engineers to improve the operation of the said networks.
- To become familiar with the latest developments in transmission systems
- In addition, the principles learned from this course can be applied to a work environment where known problems of operating the network can be studied and dealt with the equipment discussed and presented in this course.
Who Should Attend?
The course is designed for Electrical Engineers and Technicians working in the power industry who are responsible for them:-
- Design, Specification, and Project Management
- System Operation and Maintenance
- Overall Enterprise Management
- Of Interconnected transmission networks, who may require to refresh their knowledge of the fundamental principles of operation or compensation of transmission networks and acquaint themselves with the latest
- state-of-the-art developments in the area of hardware and software of power electronic-based controllers suitable to enhance power transmission systems.
Course Outlines:
Introductions, Goals discussion.
- Introduction and review of course objectives, power system overview, and the new challenges affecting the technical and business operation of the system.
- Transmission interconnections, the need for such interconnection.
- Opportunities for FACTS into the transmission networks.
- Review of basic concepts associated with power flow in an AC system, parallel paths, and meshed systems.
Limitations of loading capability.
- Power flow and dynamic stability of transmission interconnection.
- Introduction of various types of FACTS, shunt, series, and combined connections.
- Introduction to HVDC technology.
- Comparison of HVDC and FACTS.
Power semiconductors devices.
- Diode. Thyristor. Gate-Turn-Off Thyristor. MOS-Turn-Off Thyristor (MTO). Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor (IGCT). Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT).
- Voltage-source converters. Single-phase leg operation. Square-wave operation and associated harmonics. Three-Phase Full-Bridge.
- Transformer connections for 12-pulse operation. Operation with 24 and 48 pulse systems. Three-Level systems. Multilevel systems. Pulse-Width Modulation systems.
- Current-source converters. Thyristor-based converters. Current-source line commutated systems. Current-source forced commutated systems.
- Comparison between voltage-source and current-source systems.
- Objectives of shunt compensation and voltage regulation. End of line voltage support.
- Methods of controllable VAr generation. Variable impedance Static VAr generators. Switching converter VAr generators. The regulation slope.
- Static shunt compensators: SVC and STATCOM. Comparison of V-I and V-Q characteristics. Real power exchange. Operation under unbalance conditions.
- Static Series Compensators: GCSC, TSSC, TCSC, SSSC. Objectives of Series compensation. Series capacitive compensation. Variable impedance series compensators. Switching converter series compensators.
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR).
- Combined compensators: Unified Power Flow Controller and Interline Power Flow Controller.
- Basic operation principles. Conventional transmission control capabilities. Independent real and reactive power flow control.
- Comparison of combined controllers and separate series/shunt ones.
Application and Case Studies of FACTS controllers.
- Modern advanced HVDC systems based on voltage-source converters and PWM concepts and discussion of worldwide existing applications.
- Industry standards and approaches.
- Deregulated power systems and opportunities, requirements, and operation of transmission networks to enhance stability, operation, and improve return on investment for newly installed equipment. Selection examples of equipment and studies.